Version 2.0

30min: Minuet

The KDE Approach to Music Education


Minuet is the newest member of the KDE Education suite and aims at providing a full-featured platform for music education. Its very first release occurred as part of KDE Applications 16.04 and already provides a set of 44 exercises regarding ear training. This talk presents the motivation, design principles, major features and future roadmap for Minuet.

Minuet is the newest member of the KDE Education suite and aims at providing a full-featured platform for music education. Its very first release occurred as part of KDE Applications 16.04 and already provides a set of 44 exercises regarding ear training.

Minuet relies on extensive use of MIDI capabilities to provide a flexible and powerful environment for music education. Minuet's core architecture enables the specification of new exercises as a set of simple JSON files, which are automatically merged and processed in order to build the Minuet's UI. For that purpose, we adopt a lot of dynamic QML coding. Current and future work include: the development of a new version devoted to mobile platforms (to be undertaken as a Google Summer of Code 2016 project), support for multiple music instruments, use of singing and claping data (from the computer's microphone) as input devices, and a flexible architecture for defining and applying exams.

This talk presents the motivation, design principles, major features and future roadmap for Minuet. I'll talk about how Minuet compares with other proprietary and FLOSS software for music education, its current features and how the community is been structured, as well as the goals we expect to achieve regarding its use in other platforms, integration with social media, and pedagogic aspects.


Day: 2016-09-03
Start time: 15:00
Duration: 00:10
Track: KDE‘s Latest and Greatest




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